The Organised One – Najdah Hameed

Hi, this is Najdah. I am a pre-medical student in the last year of my O’levels, in Beacon house school system. I chose Sciences, instead of humanities because in the future I am looking forward to getting into a medical school.

Let’s do rapid Q&A!


I eat: Everything.

I drink: Water. Nothing can top that.  

Hangout spot on campus: The boardroom and the garden. 

What’s an accomplishment you’re most proud of?

I secured two A*in the two papers I gave last year. What made me proud was the fact that my effort came into fruition. Besides that, I matured a lot during this lock down by improving my strengths and working on my weaknesses. I have also improved my research and writing which has allowed me to work for various associations and participate in projects that widened my perspective as a whole.  

Three tips to score A*

Always make neat notes! It’s easier to address them later and understand them better. Plan a suitable schedule, it should be realistic and doable. Planning to cover 10 topics in one night is impossible. Never leave your questions pending. Always clear your problems and seek help from anyone you understand well. Adding to that, share your responses and work with others.  Getting more people’s review helps one to improve their way of processing and performing certain tasks. 

What did you want to become as a kid?

An archeologist.

Your favorite book/show: 

My favorite book would be Gilgamesh and my favorite show is The Office.  

Your favorite subject. Why?

Right now

it’s physics, I think it’s because I try to apply every theory or formula to

reality which makes me understand the subject better.  

What’s your favorite memory from school? 

Spending time with my friends and having them steal my lunch every break time.  

You joined CLLB during COVID-19. Talk about your experience.

I joined CLLB through a friend. As a growing teenager it is vital to work on your strengths and weaknesses, along with recognizing the nature of a proper working employment. Hence, internships serve that purpose by providing its internees with a suitable platform to exhibit their skills.  CLLB proved to me the best institution for that cause and the fact that it focused on law studies made it all more exciting. I began working as a content creator and wrote a few articles. Besides that, I have been an active participant of the learning sessions hosted at CLLB and I’m working as an ambassador to promote the university curriculum.  

How do you deal with stress/pressure? 

I start working before time. This rules out the pressure of time management. I constantly remind myself of my progress to help me move forward. At times. Once you’re over this hurdle all you’ve to do is trust the process and yourself. The key is to focus on your own work.