Application Form for LLM ADMISSION FORM FOR LLM The form must be fully completed and any incomplete form will not be considered. Personal Data * Indicates a required fieldFull Name *(as per CNIC, passport, form 'B' or Birth Certificate)CNIC Number *XXXXX-XXXXXXX-XDate Of Birth *DD-MM-YYYYGender *MaleFemaleTitle *Mr.Ms.Mrs.Mobile Number *Home Contact Number *Email Address *Nationality *Permanent Home Address *Correspondence Address Leave if same as permanent addressFather/ Guardian’s Name *Father/ Guardian’s Occupation *Father/ Guardian’s Contact Number: *Emergency Contact’s Name: *Emergency Contact’s Number * Academic History Bachelor’s Level *LLBOtherEducational Institution (Bachelor’s) * English ProficiencyWhat is your first language (mother tongue)? *Have you had substantial secondary/higher education conducted in English (minimum of 18 months)? *Have you had substantial work experience conducted in English (minimum of 18 months)? *Have you passed, at an appropriate level, a test of proficiency in English language in the last three years that is acceptable to the University of London? (E.g. IELTS, TOEFL etc.) * EmploymentAre you currently employed? *YesNoCurrent Job Title Current employer (including address) UndertakingCheck the box below I confirm that the aforementioned information is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and the documents attached alongside are authentic. Personal Essay Please specify in maximum 250 words why you want to do your LLM.Write Below * VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: Personal Data * Indicates a required fieldFull Name *(as per CNIC, passport, form 'B' or Birth Certificate)CNIC Number *XXXXX-XXXXXXX-XDate Of Birth *DD-MM-YYYYGender *MaleFemaleTitle *Mr.Ms.Mrs.Mobile Number *Home Contact Number *Email Address *Nationality *Permanent Home Address *Correspondence Address Leave if same as permanent addressFather/ Guardian’s Name *Father/ Guardian’s Occupation *Father/ Guardian’s Contact Number: *Emergency Contact’s Name: *Emergency Contact’s Number * Academic History Bachelor’s Level *LLBOtherEducational Institution (Bachelor’s) * English ProficiencyWhat is your first language (mother tongue)? *Have you had substantial secondary/higher education conducted in English (minimum of 18 months)? *Have you had substantial work experience conducted in English (minimum of 18 months)? *Have you passed, at an appropriate level, a test of proficiency in English language in the last three years that is acceptable to the University of London? (E.g. IELTS, TOEFL etc.) * EmploymentAre you currently employed? YesNoCurrent Job Title Current employer (including address) UndertakingCheck the box below I confirm that the aforementioned information is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and the documents attached alongside are authentic. Personal Essay Please specify in maximum 250 words why you want to do your LLM.Write Below * VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: